Baby Kicking Cervix – 7 Things a Pregnant Women Must Know

Did you feel a strong kick on the cervix again?

Babies are super-active in the womb and move around as much as they like. Though it’s a beautiful feeling, as a first-time mom, it can sometimes be surprising how the fetus is so active in the womb.

Many women feel their babies kick the cervix during pregnancy; I can relate! However, some believe continuous kicking on the cervix may lead to early labor. Baby kicking the cervix does not lead to labor. However, it may indicate some other things.

Here’s everything pregnant women should know about the baby kicking cervix.

When does the Baby Start Moving?

The fetus typically starts moving around week 7 or 8, as the 8th week pregnant woman may experience and even see it in the ultrasound. Yet, most mothers feel the baby’s movements and get symptoms between weeks 16 and week 22.

Women who have been pregnant before may notice these subtle kicks quicker as they can differentiate them from cramps or bloating more easily. A high BMI or increased amniotic fluid may delay the movements slightly.

What Does Baby Kicking Feel Like?

Baby kicking feels like flutters and bubbles in the womb that might be mistaken for gas. Pregnant women also describe the initial baby movements as a goldfish swimming around, popcorn popping, or butterflies in the stomach. Though these movements are mild in the first trimester, they become stronger as the baby grows and stretches more.

Sometimes you might feel that the baby is practicing somersaults and acrobatics, given how active they are. As pregnancy progresses, the baby’s hands, elbows, feet, or butt appear on the skin as lumps, moving through the abdomen.

What Does Kicking the Cervix Indicate?

The fetus starts moving by weeks 9 to 10, but you will most likely feel movements in the second trimester. The early baby movements are called quickening, which you may observe between 16 and 20 weeks. These movements can be described as tumbling, pulsing, or fluttering.

Depending on the baby’s activity and position, you may also feel kicks in the pubic area. Children love stretching and eventually kick the bladder and cervix. However, if you feel your baby kicking the vagina, it may indicate cervical insufficiency or a short cervix.

Cervical insufficiency refers to a weak cervix’s inability to support a growing uterus. Thus, it dilates early with painless contractions. Doctors can prevent premature labor by a cervical cerclage to close the cervix. At the same time, a short cervix may also induce early labor. Moreover, women with multiple-fetus pregnancies also experience kicking at the cervix as the babies have less space to move around.

Does Baby Kicking Cervix Indicate a Breech Baby?

Babies move in the womb throughout the pregnancy and also change positions. That is why gynecologists suggest you wait till the end of gestation to determine the final position of the fetus.

Kicking the cervix might mean it is breech (feet towards the cervix), but it is not always the case. Sometimes, babies hold their hands onto their faces in the uterus which hit the cervix when they stretch. So, you may feel kicks on the cervix even when the baby is head down.

Can Baby Kicking Cervix Cause Labor?

It is common to think continuous kicking on the cervix may lead to dilation and labor, but there have rarely been any instances of baby kicking leading to labor. So, you do not have to worry about early delivery when the baby kicks the cervix.

Doctor checking pregnant woman

In comparison, a baby kicking cervix may be a sign of labor instead of being a cause. It usually happens when the baby is breech during labor.

How to Stop Baby Kicking Cervix?

While kicking the cervix may not cause labor, kicks on the cervix and bladder can be quite uncomfortable.

Changing positions and pushing the lower part of the belly upwards can help relieve pain. Rolling on the back gently when lying down is a preferred choice among many women. Personally, hot baths and pushing the belly upwards have been the best for me to stop the baby from kicking the cervix – for some time at least!

What do Slower Baby Movements Show?

Though the baby’s movements vary for different women, you will know when the baby starts kicking. By week 28 of fetal development, you should feel the baby move at least ten times in two hours.

Once you understand the movement pattern, monitor it and talk to your doctor if the baby does not move for a long period. Try these before heading to the doctor for consultation:

  • Drink something sweet
  • Listen to music
  • Rub or tap on your belly
  • Relax for a while and concentrate on feeling the movement

All these will wake your baby if it is sleeping and allow you to feel the baby kicking.

The Bottom Line

Babies start moving in the women as early as the 9th week. However, these movements are more prominent after 16 weeks. Babies may kick your ribs, belly, and pubic area, including the cervix. Kicks on the cervix can be uncomfortable, leading to a common misconception among women that it may cause labor. However, the baby-kicking cervix does not induce delivery. Instead, it may sometimes indicate labor. Changing positions, pushing the belly upwards, or taking warm baths can help reduce kicking and relieve pain.


Can baby kicking cervix cause spotting?

Baby kicking cervix does not typically cause spotting. However, if you feel the baby kicking the vagina, it is better to consult your doctor to avoid complications. In case you observe spotting during any phase of pregnancy, it is best to talk to your attending doctor to find the underlying reason.

Why is my baby constantly kicking cervix?

Some women complain of their baby kicking cervix for a long time, which can be due to various reasons. As babies move in the womb, they stretch, and their hands touch your cervix. Similarly, your baby may kick your cervix if they are breech. Multiple pregnancies have higher chances of cervical kicking due to less space in the womb.

Do babies have hiccups?

Yes, your baby can also have hiccups in the womb. Hiccups result from involuntary muscle spasms in the diaphragm, which are more obvious in the third or last trimester. You can point out hiccups as they feel like rhythmic, jerky sensations. Don’t worry; the hiccups do not hurt your baby. Instead, they decrease the risk of stillbirth. Yet, it is better to talk to your doctor if you suddenly feel hiccups in the womb for more than fifteen minutes.